Dargavel Village is the largest Community Growth Area nationally and is located to the west of Glasgow.
It is being created through the regeneration of the former Royal Ordnance site at Bishopton in Renfrewshire. The site is around 1,000 hectares in extent. The new community development occupies around a quarter of the site and is focused on the hub at the rail station. Over 1,000 houses and the associated infrastructure are now complete.
Cass Associates has just completed a fundamental review of the Masterplan for the site. This has involved an increase in the size of the development to over 4,000 houses together with a refreshed approach to the delivery of community facilities and amenities. Cass Associates has managed the planning process leading to new planning permissions in principle and a replacement planning obligation covering a wide range of matters including education, a health centre, affordable housing and an extensive greenspace network.
Original source: www.cassassociates.co.uk
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